parents, teachers & kids Kidz Discovery Children workshops, Camps Bay books, education, toys and development



Kidz Discovery celebrates 25 years of excellence on 25 August 2023 and has won an international prestige award in the preschool category in South Africa, so please watch this space ...

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We are honoured to be invited to run the Kidz Corner at the CTICC Mandela day where LadlesofLove will be breaking world records for building the biggest mosaic of Mandela's face.

Child development specialist, founder and current principal will be published in an online book, featuring Kathy Rautenbach's peer reviewed article on Covid's Cost of Children's mental Health - averting the next tidal wave. The SARAECE Book launch will be happening on 26 July 2022 under the title "Voices from the Early Childhood Care and Education Field in South Africa: Research and Promising Practises for New Directions"


The Complete Baby & Child Early Development Program

Babies from 3 months to pre-school kids aged 5 year olds

Our BrightStart® Pre-school preparedness program for 18 months and up guide parents to nurture their children's skill set to augment home schooling and / or help their young child embrace formal schooling with confidence and offer a unique opportunity for "school with mom" until they are ready for playschool.
Our registered Kidz Discovery Bridging BrightStart® School for 2,5 to 5,5 year olds has 3 sub age groups including a Pre-R class for the 4 to 5,5 year olds, based in Camps Bay. Our refined eclectic program, using best teaching principles, was received full program registration in 2016 as well, making it one of only 5 schools for under 6 year olds in Cape Town with that level of accreditation.

Kids Discovery Workshops also offers

Age appropriate child development programs and mom / parent- &-child groups for babies and toddlers, including Preschool Preparedness classes

A registered Bridging BrightStart School with a fully registered, eclectic program for 2,5 to 5,5 year olds

Art classes as an extra mural for 6 to 12 year olds

Party Venue Hire over weekends - ideal for under 5 year old children.

Sale of educational books and specialized educational toys.

Talks on parenting, first aid and development Children's holiday clubs


The educational program offered by Kidz Discovery exposes babies and toddlers to a terrific variety of age appropriate stimulation, ranging from tactile and creative play to visual, spatial and auditory perception, fine and gross motor co-ordination, as well as music and movement. The Kidz Discovery mother/parent-&- child program focuses on the various stages of child development from ages 3 months to toddlers aged 4, in different, age appropriate groups addressing various stages of development. The program is continuously refined with ongoing input from occupational therapists and physio therapists. For the 18 months to 4 year old child, we have the unique advantage of offering our Springboard corner and weekly Preschool Preparedness classes covering a wide range of skills sets to help moms and their toddlers with Pre-school readiness, hence our "School with mom" concept for young children who need social interaction but are not yet fully ready for preschool on their own, or where parents want to augment their learning by spending focused time with them in a wonderfully stimulating, rich learning environment. Please request copies of articles written by owner and founder of Kidz Discovery, Kathy Rautenbach, why we encourage parents not to enroll children under 2,5 in playgroups in SA on their own, should you have the choice.

For the school-ready child, aged 2,5 to 5,5 year olds we offer a fully registered Bridging BrightStart school with an acclaimed program focused on 3 age group tiers, including Pre-R, 5 days a week. A full spectrum of co-curriculars and extra murals are also offered including Playball, Monkeynastix, soccer, ballet, tennis and music classes amongst others.

For the older 6 to 12 year old children, we offer our well acclaimed Multi-medium Arts & Craft program, covering ceramics, pottery, glass and fabric painting, to develop special skills sets such as painting with acrylics on canvas. Art classes are offered on Tuesday afternoons.

The program focuses on the various stages of child development from ages 3 months to toddlers aged 4. The program is continuously refined with ongoing input from occupational therapists and physio therapists. For the 2 to 4 year old child, we have the unique advantage of offering our springboard corner, covering a wide range of skills sets to help moms and their toddlers with pre-school preparedness. For the older 5 to 9 year old children, we offer our well acclaimed Multi-medium Arts & Craft program, covering ceramics, pottery, glass and fabric painting, to develop special skills sets such as painting with acrylics on canvas. Art classes are offered on Tuesday afternoons.